Category: Videos

Title: Supremacist Theological Entanglements | Dr. Axel Marc Oaks Takács

Supremacist Theological Entanglements

Most histories of Islamophobia begin where most genealogies of colonialism and racism begin: 1492. The beginning of our colonial, racial capitalist system, in addition to the limpieza de sangre system of discrimination used in early modern Spain and Portugal, is certainly a formative source of contemporary Islamophobia. This lecture traces Islamophobia further back: Christian supersessionism (replacement theology), anti-Judaism, and medieval anti-Islamic theology are all connected in the formation of contemporary Islamophobia. This video showcases Dr. Takács’s October 2021 presentation at ACMCU in full to include the after presentation Q&A.

Event Video

Dr. John L. Esposito and Dr. Nader Hashemi

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Ussama Makdisi Lecturing at Georgetown University

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