Category: Videos

Title: Innocent Until Proven Muslim

Innocent Until Proven Muslim

In Innocent until Proven Muslim: Islamophobia, the War on Terror, and the Muslim Experience Since 9/11, Dr. Maha Hilal tells the powerful story of two decades of the War on Terror, exploring how the official narrative has justified the creation of a sprawling apparatus of state violence that is rooted in Islamophobia and excused its worst abuses. Dr. Hilal not only provides an overview of the many iterations of the War on Terror in law and policy, but also examines how Muslim Americans have internalized oppression, how some influential Muslim Americans have perpetuated collective responsibility, and how the lived experiences of Muslim Americans reflect what it means to live as part of a “suspect” community.


A Blue Rectangular Poster with images of lecturers

This Spring, the Alwaleed Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, in partnership with theย Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, theย African Studies Program, theย Department of Theology and Religious Studies, andย Georgetown University Qatar,…

Dr. Fawaz Gerges

Play Youtube Video Syria’s Morning After: A Counterrevolution? ACMCU presents a discussion with Dr. Fawaz Gerges, Professor of International Relations and Chair in Contemporary Middle Eastern Studies at the London…

Play Youtube Video Gaza, Ukraine and the Remaking of Global Order Join ACMCU and partners for a discussion with Dr. Bruno Maรงรฃes, New Statesman foreign correspondent. Looking at what he…