Category: Event Coverage, Videos

Title: Palestine, Palestinians, Denialism, and the Question of Genocide

Ussama Makdisi Lecturing at Georgetown University

Palestine, Palestinians, Denialism, and the Question of Genocide

ACMCU, in partnership with the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies and the African Studies Program, hosted a conversation with University of California Berkeley Professor of Middle East History and Chancellor’s Chair Dr. Ussama Makdisi on April 30, 2024. Dr. Makdisi was previously Professor of History and the first holder of the Arab-American Educational Foundation Chair of Arab Studies at Rice University in Houston. He is the author of Age of Coexistence: The Ecumenical Frame and the Making of the Modern Arab World (University of California Press, 2019) and Faith Misplaced: the Broken Promise of U.S.-Arab Relations, 1820-2001 (Public Affairs, 2010).

Event Video

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Dr. Fawaz Gerges

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