Category: Event Coverage, News, Videos

Title: Understanding Violence Against Muslim Minorities in Indonesia


Dr. Jessica Soedirgo, SFS Postdoctoral Fellow, gave a virtual talk hosted by the Alwaleed Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, co-sponsored by the Asian Studies Program and the Berkley Center, on religious and ethnic based violence in and around Indonesia. This video shows her presentation in full followed by an audience informed Q&A.

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Ussama Makdisi Lecturing at Georgetown University

ACMCU, in partnership with the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies and the African Studies Program, hosted a conversation with University of California Berkeley Professor of Middle East History and Chancellor’s…

ACMCU Honors the Life, Career, and Legacy of ACMCU Founding Director and Distinguished University Professor John L. Esposito. This video was co-produced and narrated by John's wife Jean Esposito and…

Dr. Tareq Baconi and Dr. Nader Hashemi at Georgetown University

ACMCU, CCAS, and The African Studies Program of Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service welcomed Dr. Tareq Baconi from Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network to give a lecture on the…