Suryaningsi Mila
Visiting Researcher
Suryaningsi Mila, is a lecturer at The Theological Seminary of the Christian Church of Sumba, East Sumba. She is also an ordained pastor of The Christian Church of Sumba. She earned a bachelor's and master's degree in theology and sociology of religion at Satya Wacana Christian University. She holds a PhD in the field of Inter-Religious Studies from Gajah Mada University and specializes in interreligious dialogues especially the communitarian reading of the scriptures among Muslim and Christian women in Indonesia. She also actively presented paper and published several around the issue of interreligious engagement in Indonesia. She will be conducting research entitled ‘Reinvestigating Interreligious Tolerance amid the Rise of Islamophobia: Reflecting on Islam and Christian Relations in the United States’ during her visiting scholar time in Georgetown University. She believes that research in the United States is needed since the Islamophobic movement has caused violence and hatred towards Muslims and other minority groups in the US. This research will be compared with Indonesian contexts where Muslims are the majority groups. Moreover, she hopes to obtain new experiences and insights about models of interreligious dialogues and interreligious tolerance amid the spread of Islamophobia ideology in the US. Upon the completion of the program, she intends to publish articles around this issue. In addition, she looks forward to conduct seminars, research, and community services on interreligious tolerance in her home seminary.