John Hosseini
Visiting Researcher
Dr. John Hosseini was born in Bloomington, Indiana, USA in 1965. He is an assistant professor in the philosophy of religion and Kalam in IHCS, as well as a lecturer of Seminary in Iran. He studied theology in Seminary of Qom and Islamic philosophy and Kalam in Maaref University. The title of his PhD thesis is: "The Analysis of Methodological Principles of Religious Science Theory Production and Pattern of its Estimation".
His interests and expertise are religious science, methodology, study of critique, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of religion, and study of Islamic civilization. He is the lecturer of Seminary and Universities in Iran in the fields of Islamic philosophy, logic, principles of Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic Kalam, research method, human in Islam, philosophy of religion, Islamic thoughts, and history of Islam forehead.
He wrote and arranged 30 books in Persian and published 68 papers in scientific research journals and 45 papers in national and international conferences and did 6 research proposals and also 98 subjects of lectures and scientific notes.
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