Category: Videos

Title: The Racial Muslim: When Racism Quashes Religious Freedom

The Racial Muslim: When Racism Quashes Religious Freedom

In this re-broadcast of the ACMCU Book Talk “THE RACIAL MUSLIM: WHEN RACISM QUASHES RELIGIOUS FREEDOM”, guest speaker Dr. Sahar Aziz talks about the topics covered in her new book on the history and legacy of racism directed at Muslims and other religious minorities. Dr. Sahar Aziz is Professor of Law, Chancellor’s Social Justice Scholar, and Middle East and Legal Studies Scholar at Rutgers University Law School.


Dr. Fawaz Gerges

Play Youtube Video Syria’s Morning After: A Counterrevolution? ACMCU presents a discussion with Dr. Fawaz Gerges, Professor of International Relations and Chair in Contemporary Middle Eastern Studies at the London…

Play Youtube Video Gaza, Ukraine and the Remaking of Global Order Join ACMCU and partners for a discussion with Dr. Bruno Maçães, New Statesman foreign correspondent. Looking at what he…

Play Youtube Video Book Talk: Feminism, Tradition and Change in Contemporary Islam Feminism, Tradition and Change in Contemporary Islam aims to understand Muslims’ relationship with change in Islam. Specifically, it…